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They're many more perspectives than you think they are that are involved in the prostitution business. First and foremost, we have the obvious perspectives that can answer the question, "Should Prostitution Be Legal?", they're the illegal and legal prostitutes. They are the primary perspectives because they are the ones that have experienced what it's like to be involved the sex business. Next of course are the prostitution victims. They are super important to research on because their experience and situation can help others understand their moral beliefs on whether prostitution should be legal or illegal based off of what they have experienced. Another perspective I've included in this website are the legal and illegal pimps. Pimps are very important to research on because they are the people that give buyers the prostitutes, which means that they have a significant part in the prostitution business. Then, these are the individuals that gather evidence to create a statement, whether prostitution should be legal or illegal, and they are the reporters. Finally, Parents. They have a huge contribution to their child and how they grow up to be, therefore, parents are included as a perspective. Although, parents are an unheard voice, parents can be very significant, in order to understand the conflict to why  individuals involve themselves in the sex industry. 

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