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Poem Representing The Parent of A  Prostitutes Voice 

You are a flower, blooming beautifully. You’ve had this smile,

That brightens up everyone's day, even on a stormy day.

You are a baby eagle, someday, we have to leave you.

We love you, but we won’t miss you.

Because you sit around, do nothing and leave all of us, doing the work.

We have no water to water the flower, no food to feed the baby eagle.

You belong in the shadow! Two opposites of good and evil, of light and darkness.

Don’t come back unless you can support your family, us, before darkness haunts.

We are drowning in an endless pool, slowing losing time, lacking hope to ever see you again. Where have you been? Where have you gone?

You’ve been gone for days on days with zero sign

Remembering, you going off with some white man, tall, blue eyes, and a face, that takes advantage of anyone,

just like you.

We never had the chance to say goodbye and

Mommy and Daddy are afraid

come back home and

Pull us out of the darkness.



Why, why would you want to do this to us? You can get a real job, please let’s just discuss.

Your putting yourself in danger, risking yourself with STDs. The men you take, will never let you see the beauty in the light blue sky above. You’ll get flashbacks of memories you won’t want to. You have a heart like gold.

Your brave and bold.  

Don’t get sold.

Don’t. Go.



God, the boys and girls on the streets that are kicked out of their home.

Give them a home.

Prostitutes who get abused, robbed, and captures STDs

Give them frequent health checks
Make prostitution legal so those on the streets who are involving themselves in the sex industry are:



And Loved.

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